The illegitimate child of our liberation struggle has now come of age and is demanding their rightful place within this dysfunctional family. Like the unwanted child born out of wedlock, banished to the outhouse while we try and diplomatically handle this scenario rages on, all the while trying not to disturb the children born within the union of independence, time waste on to no resolution in site for them.
Its a weak hand that is dealt to some, and no falser hand was dealt to our exile children with promise of equality, reimbursement of harsh times and rightful placement within our society. Now, even more displaced than what they were, they have become a problem to the powers that be, an eye soar not easily hidden from the public space as they have so harshly protested. What was meant to be a glorious arrival from their exile standings has turned into a media nightmare for government.
I find it hard not to see that if this was an election year, this matter would have gone a completely different route. But alas its not an election year, and this problem will cease to be remembered when it is that time. Unless... of course a strategic move is made by a underdog candidate to strengthen his position, but that will leave him open and exposed, and while frankly the numbers of our exile children is just not strong enough to carry a majority vote. And so they get passed around like a unwanted bastered suckling from ministry to ministry, leaving no one to actually know what to do with them.
Some of the options being looked at is reimbursement for their hardship. Now if the payout to the old veterans was any warning, a financial replacement without proper management education is a doomed endeavour. Which may well results in a useless spending or shebeen business enrichment. But who knows, maybe that is what government secretly strive for. The crippling by poverty and enslaved addiction cost less than actually having them generate a sustainable living standard. Unless of course its through tenders... well there is a great idea, lets oil the hands and get them tenders, have them build, renovate this country. Do the labour that free independence is build on.
Or there is the option of housing them at UNAM, educate and liberate them in our independent republic. This serves both parties (and by parties I mean government and exile children, not the ruling and only party.) where by we educate and grow them while subsequently ensuring a educated workforce for years to come. But then who forks the bill? Surely not the government alone? I mean we are independent now so we owe them do we not. TAX payers will stand for it, like we do everything else.
Personally my alternative to this whole saga... China!!! Yes, that's right, China!!! lets incorporate the same policy that we experiance daily within our country. Clearly all these comrades we see around, be it in the ever expanding ever growing Chinatowns found in EVERY TOWN in Namibia, or in the construction companies with the major tenders for massive money wasting museums, or just the average Chang in his very expensive car with the most ridiculous personalised number plate EVER! roaming the streets, are here on our infamous cannot-pay-back-our-loan-here's-citizenship-in-exchange diplomatic policy, (surely you don't think all of them are here on a holiday visa or a work visa?) Why not strengthen our oh so ever blackmailing relationship by having our exiles resettled in China. There is educational opportunities, work prospects, chance for the Chinese to learn our languages before they immigrate here with their citizenship. The choices are endless, and yes, that ailing question will be answered; "what to do with these kids' heaven forbid we find them a place within our society, within their own country. A major plus would also be that they might just be treated better there than in their own country.
Good day, and good luck
From the
President's Desk